maandag 15 oktober 2007

boomtown rats - I dont like mondays

I don't think this needs much explanation... It's monday again. I feel the way these guys look (okay, perhaps I'm exagerating a little now).

5 opmerkingen:

Dr Tho zei

Thanks for the coffee ;)

Mane zei

Don't mention it... Waking each other up at ludicrous hours: That's what neighbours are for, is it not?

Glad to know my efforts weren't in vain. (If you read this at 2 a.m. after a refreshing mornings sleep: you ASS! Please ignore the above and be ashamed!!!)

In line with the blogpost to which this reply is linked: I don't like thursdays that much either...

Mane zei

My time management kind of sucks: that's supposed to be 2 P.M...

Dr Tho zei

and I read it at 5.14 pm ;)

Anke de Sagher zei

Blijkt dat dit liedje gaat over een 16-jarig meisje dat in de jaren '70 begon te schieten in haar school omdat "ze niet van maandagen hield". Hoop dat ge u zo niet voelde ;)